Home > Visas > 500 Student Visa (subclass 500)

500 Student Visa (subclass 500)

Visa Description

Visit Australia to participate in a course of study.

Basic Eligibility

  • be enrolled in a course of study in Australia
  • hold Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), or fall in one of the exemption categories
  • must be 6 years or older
  • prove you have a welfare arrangement, if you are under 18


  • A substantive visa ceases to be in effect if another substantive visa is granted
  • Applications are received Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) (or Australian Eastern daylight standard time (AEDST) when applicable

With this visa you can

  • participate in an eligible course of study
  • bring family members to Australia with you
  • apply online in or outside Australia

Length of Stay

Up to 5 years and in line with your enrolment.


From AUD620, unless exempt.

Processing Time

Processing times vary

Relevant Visas


Student Guardian visa


Student Visa


Training Visa